How do you lead yourself?

Coach Colin
Oct 01, 2024By Coach Colin

“If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself.” ~ Jim Rohn

It doesn't matter what you’re facing—you can't lead others until you first lead yourself. Leadership is about guiding others toward a goal, and it starts with understanding your own goals. Before becoming a "person of quality," as Jim Rohn says, you need to be clear on your destination (the future) and examine your current thoughts, emotions, and actions (the present).

The first step is to identify what’s important to you and assess how satisfied you are in those areas. The Balance Wheel of Life is a helpful tool for visualizing these aspects and recognizing where things may be out of balance. By reflecting on what matters to you, you create a vision for your future self and set goals to work towards it.

Take a moment to consider who you want to be—not how others see you, but how you see yourself when you look in the mirror. This is not about the superficial “selfie-mirror” but the deeper “soul-mirror.” Decide who that person is, and start being them today.

What brings you joy, gives your life meaning, and fulfills your purpose? Every action you take impacts others, so choose what that impact will be. Who do you want to inspire, and how can your actions help them grow?

We often focus on the “haves”—believing we need certain things (like a car or a qualification) before we can do what we want and become who we want to be. This mindset leads to chasing smaller goals instead of working on becoming our future selves now. The truth is, your behavior today must reflect your desired identity of tomorrow.

Bring Balance to Your Life by setting visionary goals that focus on:

1. Being the person you aspire to be.

2. Doing the actions that align with your values.

3. Having the things that will support your growth.

“The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them.” ~ Jim Rohn

This journey is one you take with the people who matter to you. Don’t worry about perfecting any one area before starting balance will come in due time.

Coach Colin at The Alternative Board

Coach | Facilitator | Change Agent.

Live Better. Lead Better. Grow more.